
H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Deák Ferenc tér 3.

Sedation, General anaesthesia

Pain-free dentistry under sedation and anaesthesia – 5DENT takes care of you!

5 Reasons why patients want dental treatment under sedation or general anaesthesia

We also have a solution if you are afraid of the dentist or dental treatment – gentle dental treatments under sedation and anaesthesia at 5DENT

Solving a dental problem often presents us with great challenges. We have to make a considered decision on who to choose for this trustworthy task. We also need to find a practice that not only provides excellent dental care at considerable savings, but can also reduce our fears of dental procedures with unique methods. At 5DENT dental practice, there are two levels of pain-free treatment. Learn more about them.

The advantages of dental treatment under sedation or anaesthesia for you

  • Pain-free: Both sedation and anaesthesia completely eliminate pain during dental treatment, so you can feel comfortable throughout.
  • Reduced anxiety: Many patients are afraid of dental procedures or the noise and sight of instruments. Sedation and anaesthesia can reduce or completely eliminate these fears
  • Movement control: Some patients have difficulty with their movements when undergoing dental treatment. Sedation or anaesthesia allows the dentist to perform the necessary procedure undisturbed
  • There are no bad memories: For many people, it is negative memories of dental treatments that keep them from going to the dentist. In treatments with sedation or anaesthesia, these negative memories are not formed
  • Efficiency: Some of the more complex procedures can be performed more easily and quickly when the patient is sedated or anaesthetised, as they do not react involuntarily to pain or stress and the doctor can concentrate on the procedure without distraction.
  • Multiple procedures in one session: For people who need multiple procedures, sedation or anaesthesia allows them to be performed in a single session, saving time and money.
  • Weakened pharyngeal reflex: Some patients have a strong pharyngeal reflex that makes it difficult to handle and take impressions. Sedation and anaesthesia help to eliminate this reflex
  • Deeper cleaning: Periodontal treatments can sometimes be painful and uncomfortable. With anaesthesia or sedation, periodontal treatments can be performed more deeply and effectively without making you feel uncomfortable
  • Personalised sedation or anaesthesia: anaesthetists are able to tailor sedation or anaesthesia to your individual needs, taking into account your particular sensitivities, fears and the nature of the procedure

In addition to the above benefits, it is important to know that any medical procedure, including sedation and anaesthesia, can have its own risks, so you should always consult your dentist and anaesthetist to find the most appropriate solution.

Sedation dentistry at 5DENT

Sedation is one of the gentlest forms of dental treatment. The aim is to put you in a relaxed state and allay your fears. This is especially recommended if you have difficulty with pain or are very anxious before treatment.
This is how dental treatments are carried out under sedation at 5DENT:

  • Our dentist will draw up a treatment plan based on the panoramic X-ray or 3D CT scan and provide you with an estimate of the likely cost of sedation. Here you can make significant savings on both the cost of dental treatment and the cost of sedation
  • Before the procedure, we ask you to fill out a special health questionnaire, which our anaesthetist will use to make a risk assessment. If your health is deemed satisfactory, the procedure will be considered positive. You may also need to have an ECG and blood tests before the procedure.
  • Our anaesthetist will give you the sedative intravenously. When the sedative starts to work, our dentist will give you a local anaesthetic and then start the dental treatment.
  • During the treatment, you will be able to communicate, answer questions and cooperate with your doctor, but you will also not have any unpleasant memories after the treatment.
  • At the end of the dental treatment, the sedative is stopped and the effect soon wears off.
  • After the treatment, you will rest for 1-2 hours in our special relaxation room, where you will be observed by your companion, and leave the dental practice after a check-up with your dental hygienist.

For dental treatment in the sedation room, we kindly ask you to be accompanied. Please refrain from eating and drinking 3 hours before the appointment. You must not drive on the day of the treatment.

Consultation with the anaesthetistFree of charge
Local anaesthesiaFree of charge
Sedation 1 hour350 €
Anaesthesia1 200 €

Why our patients are satisfied with our practice

Wolfgang Holtheuer

Nobel implant All-on-4 Procera lower – upper / Dr László Honfi

Anna Duliban

Alpha Bio-Implantate + Metall-Keramik-Kronen / Dr. László Honfi

Claudia Pelzer

Nobel implant + metal-ceramic crown / Dr Béla Paczolay

Högel Werner

Nobel Implants + Metal-Ceramic Crowns / Dr Béla Paczolay

Karl Wiesinger

Metal-ceramic crown for Nobel implant / Dr Béla Paczolay

Ernst Enengl

Alpha Bio Implants + metal-ceramic crowns / Dr Iván Kecskés

Michaela Fraidl

Full contour zirconium oxide crowns / Dr Béla Paczolay

Heike Baumgart

Full contour zirconium oxide crowns / Dr Annamária Kocsis

Robert Kubarth

Lower All-on-4 concept prosthesis / Dr Balázs Balatonyi / Dr László Honfi

Bernhard Grimm

Metal-Ceramic Crowns on Nobel Implants / Dr Iván Kecskés

How much do sedation dentistry treatments cost at 5DENT Dental Clinic and how much can you save?

Type of painlessnessPriceSavings
Sedation 1 hour350 € 470 € 

Dental treatment under anaesthesia at 5DENT

During the treatment under anaesthesia you will not feel anything. You will only remember that our anaesthetist will give you an intravenous anaesthetic, you will fall asleep and we will only wake you up at the end of the treatment.

During the anaesthetic, the anaesthetist and the anaesthetic nurse will monitor your condition and vital signs. Your blood pressure is measured with a sphygmomanometer, a blood oxygen meter is clamped to your fingertip and ECG electrodes are attached to your chest.

Anaesthesia is particularly recommended for major, stressful dental or oral surgery procedures, especially if both jaws are involved. 

For treatment under anaesthesia, you must be accompanied by a companion and both must stay overnight in a partner hotel selected by us.

 Please stop eating and drinking 6 hours before your treatment. 

This is how dental treatments under anaesthesia are carried out at 5DENT:

  • Our dentist will draw up a treatment plan based on the panoramic X-ray or 3D CT scan and provide you with an estimate of the anaesthetic costs. Here you can save considerably on the costs of both dental treatment and anaesthesia
  • Before the procedure, we ask you to fill in a special health questionnaire, which our anaesthetist will use to carry out a risk assessment. If your health is deemed satisfactory, the procedure will be considered positive. You may also need to have an ECG and blood tests before the procedure.
  • Our anaesthetist will administer the anaesthetic intravenously and when the anaesthetic takes effect, our dentist will anaesthetise you locally and then start the dental treatment.
  • During the treatment, your breathing is kept stable by a professional ventilator.
  • At the end of the dental procedure, you will be woken up by the anaesthetist. When you wake up, you will not remember anything about the treatment
  • You may feel dizzy or nauseous after waking up, this is normal.
  • After the treatment, you will rest for 1-2 hours in our special relaxation room, where you will be observed by your companion, and leave the dental practice after a check-up with your dental hygienist.

You must not drive a car on the day of the treatment. The next day after the dental treatment under anaesthesia, you and the person accompanying you may go home after a check-up.

How we can make your smile look new

How much does an anaesthetic cost and how much can you save at 5DENT?

Type of painlessnessPriceSavings
Sleep1200 € 1740 € 

Why should you choose the 5DENT Dental Clinic for your sedation or anaesthesia dental treatment?

  • We perform sedation and anaesthesia under the supervision of internationally recognised, experienced anaesthetists and assistants
  • Professional anaesthesia machine and monitor system to monitor your health during treatment
  • Our prostheses are made of high quality materials and all procedures are guaranteed
  • We create a treatment plan tailored to your needs

Why you should come to 5DENT for a personal consultation

Digital diagnostics – With our modern digital diagnostic equipment, we can accurately determine the condition of your teeth and bone structure, which is an essential prerequisite for developing a precise and individual treatment plan.

Personal communication – A personal conversation with a dental expert gives you the opportunity to seek advice directly and get answers to your questions.

Individual treatment plan – Your consulting dentist can personally assess the condition of your teeth and bone structure, as well as your needs, and recommend the best treatment plan based on this.

Personal experience about the level of the practice – during the consultation you can find out first-hand about the technical standard of the dental practice and whether it meets your expectations

Aids to understanding the dental problem – At our 5DENT dental clinic, we use visual aids and models to fully inform you and help you understand your dental problem and treatment options.

Favorable prices, significant savings – you don’t have to compromise. At 5DENT’s office, you can make significant savings on your dental treatment while receiving European-standard dental care, for which we also offer a guarantee.

These are the questions our patients have asked about dental treatments under sedation or anaesthesia (FAQ

Where are the dental treatments performed under sedation or anaesthesia?

Dental treatments under sedation or anaesthesia are available at our 5DENT dental clinic in Mosonmagyaróvár, only 14 kilometres from the Austrian border. You can find detailed information about our contact details here.

How should I prepare for dental treatment under sedation or anaesthesia?

You should make an appointment for a personal consultation so that you can also consult the anaesthetist who will sedate or anaesthetise you. If you already have a panoramic X-ray or treatment plan from another practice, please bring it with you. Also state any medication you take regularly. We need this information.

Will dental treatment under sedation or anaesthesia hurt?

 No, you will not feel any pain or have any unpleasant memories of the treatment.

Do I need an X-ray or CT scan?

A panoramic X-ray is required to get a complete picture of the problem, and less frequently, usually during an oral surgery consultation, a 3D CT scan is required. 

How much will the treatment cost?

The cost of treatment is influenced by a number of factors, including the type and complexity of the treatment. After your consultation, you will receive a detailed and written cost estimate from us, which includes a significant savings potential. 

What treatment options are there for me?

After the examination, we will inform you in detail about the most suitable treatment options for you, but you should know that in our well-equipped 5DENT dental clinic we offer all treatments except paediatric dentistry that you may need. Our excellent dentists can help you with this.

When can I eat again after dental treatment under sedation or anaesthesia?

After the treatment you will rest for 1-2 hours in our special relaxation room, where you will be observed by your accompanying person. You are not allowed to eat anything until the anaesthetic and sedative have completely left your body. 

How long does the entire treatment under sedation or anaesthesia take?

The duration of the treatment depends on the type and complexity of the procedure. The time of anaesthesia and waking up extends the treatment by at least two hours. Your individual treatment plan will be discussed during your consultation.

What guarantees are offered for the treatment?

The guarantee can last a lifetime in some cases (e.g. mechanical damage to an implant screw), but the effectiveness and durability of treatments depends on many factors, including your general health and oral hygiene habits. Specific guarantees will be explained during your consultation.

Do not worry. You are not alone with this feeling. Many of our patients are afraid of dental treatment. Therefore, we see it as our duty to offer you a reassuring solution to this problem. 

Don’t let fear or discomfort stop you from having healthy and aesthetic teeth. 

The expert team at 5DENT Dental Clinic uses the latest anaesthetic techniques and methods, including sedation or general anaesthesia, to make dental procedures painless and comfortable for you. 

If you want the best possible care for your teeth without worrying about pain or anxiety, contact 5DENT Dental Clinic and discover how we can restore your chewing health and aesthetic smile without you having to worry.

Why you should choose 5DENT for your dental treatment

Professional staff

This is the foundation of all quality dental care – a team of well-trained, experienced and dedicated professionals.

Informative and understandable personal communication

The 5DENT dental clinic places great emphasis on informative personal consultation.

State-of-the-art technology

The use of the latest dental equipment and technology is essential for accurate diagnosis and gentle treatment.

Individual treatment plan

We know that every patient is unique and needs a tailor-made solution for their dental problem.

Sterile environment

5DENT dental practice places great emphasis on creating a sterile environment, because we know that basic hygiene not only protects your health, but also affects the quality and effectiveness of your treatment.


At the 5DENT dental clinic, aftercare is not just a follow-up step, but an integral part of the treatment process.

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