
H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Deák Ferenc tér 3.

Dr. Sándor Némedi-Varga


Dr. Sándor Némedi-Varga


A doktor úr tanulmányait 2002-ben végezte a Debreceni Egyetemen. Gyermekkora óta orvos szeretett volna lenni, munkáját azóta is töretlen szenvedéllyel végzi.

Több, mint 20 éve dolgozik egy regionális nagy kórház intenzív osztályán és műtőjében, ennek köszönhetően rendkívül széles körű tapasztalattal rendelkezik műtéti érzéstelenítés terén és sürgősségi helyzetek kezelésében. Intenzív terápiás orvosként a pandémia alatt a kórház COVID-osztályán is helytállt.

Nagyon alapos és precíz. Higgadt, határozott fellépése a legtöbb pácienst azonnal megnyugtatja. Rendkívül türelmes a félős páciensekkel, minden felmerülő kérdésre készséggel válaszol. Társalgási szinten beszél németül és angolul.

Célja a biztonság és a fájdalommentesség: azaz, hogy a páciens számára a lehető legkellemesebbé varázsolja a fogászati kezelést – az egészség kockáztatása nélkül.

2008 óta heti több alkalommal végzi fogászati páciensek ambuláns szedálását és mélyaltatását.

2019 óta a 5dent csapatát erősíti. Kitűnő összhangban dolgozik együtt szájsebészeinkkel, ami óriási előny a páciens számára.

Házas, két gyermek édesapja, szabadidejében szívesen kertészkedik, úszik és utazik.

Why our patients are satisfied with our practice

Kerstin Strasser

All-on 4 Nobel Procera prosthesis / Dr László Honfi / Dr Balázs Balatonyi

Elisabeth Szalai

Full contour zirconium oxide crowns / Dr Béla Paczolay

Werner Trompisch

Lower-upper locator prosthesis with reinforcement / Dr Béla Paczolay

Josef Steind

All-on-4 concept prosthesis for the upper and lower jaw / Dr Béla Paczolay

Josefine Niefergall

Upper locator dentures / Dr László Honfi / Dr Balázs Balatonyi

Schauer Dietmar

Nobel implant + metal-ceramic crowns / Dr Béla Paczolay

Andreas Bieringer

All-on-4 Nobel Procera dentures / Dr László Honfi

Lazic Dusanka

Lower-upper complete denture / Dr Iván Kecskés Iván

Gertraud Bezucha

All-on-4 Concept upper prosthesis / Dr Béla Paczolay

Annemarie Purecek

Nobel implant + metal-ceramic crown + combined denture for the lower jaw / Dr Balázs Balatonyi / Dr László Honfi

What our satisfied patients say about our practice

Anka Böjtös Michaela

Good treatment, nice people. I can recommend the 5DENT dental clinic. I am very satisfied with my implant.

Michael Krehan

Very quick appointments, the staff is very-very friendly, the doctor is also very nice and empathetic (Dr Kecskés). And the result is visible. I can laugh again. Thanks!

Eszter Tóth

Super nice staff, excellent specialists and doctors. I can only recommend them. Finally a place where you don’t have to be afraid of the dentist.

Laura Stellinger

I am totally satisfied with the work of Dr. Honfi. I got 4 implants. I didn’t have any problems after that. I can recommend the 5DENT Dental Clinic to everyone with a clear conscience. It’s a great team. Everyone is really sweet and nice. I’m going to have my lower jaw done next year, so I’m really looking forward to it.

Claudia Pade

I have been coming from Dessau-Rosslau for several years, now for a follow-up check. It’s an 11-hour train journey to the town. But it’s worth it. The practice is great, the treatment is fantastic. I always enjoy coming back. All the staff are very friendly and helpful.

Galle Doris

I can recommend 5DENT with a clear conscience. The whole team is very professional and friendly. A great organization and everyone speaks good German. I have a radiant smile again and feel completely comfortable. I would be happy to come back at any time. Thanks to the whole team and all the best!

Norbert Berger

I can fully recommend this clinic. Very friendly treatment from reception onwards. The doctors are considerate and also competent. I feel that I am in good hands here!

Fisher Verena

I was very satisfied. The staff is very nice, very hard working and friendly! They always find a suitable solution for every problem.

Albert Dehn

All treatments were to my complete satisfaction! All appointments and all 15 days of treatment were all very good! Kind regards, Albert Dehn

Renate Bönisch

Hello, have a nice day to all of you. I’m currently back at the 5DENT dental clinic in Mosonmagyaróvár for a follow-up check. It’s not far for me because I receive good care and treatment there. I am very satisfied with all the treatments so far. The staff and the entire staff, including the doctors, are very nice and, above all, very professionally competent. The clinic is recommended and I like coming here.

Why you should choose 5DENT for your dental treatment

Professional staff

This is the foundation of all quality dental care – a team of well-trained, experienced and dedicated professionals.

Informative and understandable personal communication

The 5DENT dental clinic places great emphasis on informative personal consultation.

State-of-the-art technology

The use of the latest dental equipment and technology is essential for accurate diagnosis and gentle treatment.

Individual treatment plan

We know that every patient is unique and needs a tailor-made solution for their dental problem.

Sterile environment

5DENT dental practice places great emphasis on creating a sterile environment, because we know that basic hygiene not only protects your health, but also affects the quality and effectiveness of your treatment.


At the 5DENT dental clinic, aftercare is not just a follow-up step, but an integral part of the treatment process.

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