Removable dentures

What is a removable restoration?

A removable restoration or prosthesis is an appliance that is not cemented to the existing teeth in the mouth, and needs to be removed for cleaning. There are full dentures and partial dentures.

A full denture replaces all the teeth in the patient’s upper or lower jaw. A partial denture is a removable restoration replacing the missing teeth when the patient still has some teeth left.

Partial dentures can be affixed to the existing teeth with metal clips, and the removable unit only replaces the missing teeth.

Combined restorations are partial dentures anchored to the existing teeth with a bar attachment, precision attachment or telescopic crown, and are covered with a crown in certain cases.

When is a full denture necessary?

The patient needs a full denture if they lack all their teeth in the lower or upper jaw, or both, or all their teeth need to be extracted. Our dentist recommends a full denture if implantation is not possible or the patient would not like to have implants.

Our dentists highly recommend replacing all the missing teeth as soon as possible because without teeth food cannot be chewed and therefore digested properly, which can lead to various gastric or intestinal diseases.

If the patient needs a full upper denture, it is simpler and more practical to prepare a full denture because it sucks itself up to the jaw bone, which stabilizes the denture.

When a lower denture is needed, it can be very precisely fitted with the help of an appropriate impression.

When is a partial denture necessary?

The patient might need a partial denture if they still have some teeth in the jaw bone but several teeth are missing. A partial denture might prove to be necessary if the patient cannot receive a bridge due to the lack of sufficient pillar teeth, and implantation is not possible or the patient would not like to have implants or bridges. An advantage of a partial denture is that it is cheap but the fact that the clips can become visible when smiling is rather disadvantageous.

Which teeth can be replaced with a full or partial denture?

A full or partial denture is suitable for replacing any tooth and any number of teeth. During the healing phase after implantation a temporary single-tooth replacement – a so-called clip – can be prepared.

What material does 5dent Dental Clinic use to prepare removable dentures?

Full removable dentures are made of plastic. They can be fortified with a metal base plate made of a nickel- and palladium-free alloy of cobalt and chromium. The clips are also made of a nickel- and palladium-free alloy of cobalt and chromium. If the patient is allergic to one of these metals, the base plate and the clips can be made of gold, too.

At request we can prepare a hidden gold-plated net for the hard palate which is not in direct contact with the mucous membrane but firmly supports the denture. The false teeth in the denture are usually made of plastic. 5dent Dental Clinic can prepare ceramic front teeth in the denture.

How long does it take 5dent Dental Clinic to prepare removable dentures? How are removable dentures prepared?

If you need a removable denture, you are required to see our dentist twice or three times in general, and if no tooth extraction is needed, your full or partial denture is delivered in a maximum of one week. In case of tooth extraction the healing time is about 4-8 weeks. 5dent Dental Clinic certainly provides you with a temporary tooth replacement for this period.

On your first visit our dentist takes an impression, based on which our dental technician prepares your denture. When taking the impression, our dentist chooses the colour of your false teeth in your future denture with the help of a shade tab. In case you have some remaining teeth, their colour is taken into account when determining the colour of your new teeth.

If our dentist and dental technician find that you do not need a fit test, delivery may take place on your next visit. However, a fit test may prove to be necessary before delivery to perform the necessary adjustments.

Will you possibly need other dental treatments when you are having your full or partial denture made?

In case of a full denture, if you lack all your own teeth, there is no need to carry out other dental treatments.

If you still have some of your own teeth, we take a dental or panoramic x-ray of them to assess the condition of your teeth. Based on the x-ray our dentist can determine which tooth needs extraction or root canal treatment. In case of tooth extraction we provide you with a temporary tooth replacement. If your tooth is root canal treated, broken or particularly damaged, it might have to be reconstructed using filling material or a dowel abutment. We also provide crowns if necessary.

What is to be done following the dental treatment?

Dentures may feel odd or even uncomfortable at first, especially if you have never had a denture before. In order to get used to your removable denture faster, do use it as often as possible. Try to speak and read aloud to allow your facial muscles and tongue to get used to the new denture. It is important that at the beginning you eat slowly using both sides equally; this way you will soon regain your self-confidence and feeling of comfort while eating with your new denture.

On delivery our dentist gives you detailed care instructions so that you can enjoy the benefits of your new denture as long as possible. It is vital to practise excellent oral hygiene, no matter if you have a full or partial prosthesis. Full or partial prostheses must be cleaned after every meal, that is, food deposits must be removed with a brush. It is advisable to apply denture cleaning liquid every day.

In case you wear a partial denture, using the right dental floss, a good-quality toothbrush and toothpaste to protect your remaining teeth is indispensable. You are also recommended to apply mouth-wash regularly, which can generally help you avoid gingivitis.

Our dentists would be delighted to help you choose the ideal toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss for you, which you can try and buy at our dental clinic.

5dent Dental Clinic recommends you to see your dentist for an annual check-up, and it is very important to have a professional dental hygiene treatment for your remaining teeth conducted once or twice a year.